DD Lot #25 Outdoor Gear Auction Lot - Collapsible Wagon, Metal Sand Rake & Accessories
Lot Number: 25 Ask Seller Question
Item Location: Palm Bay
Preview Date/Time: Online preview
Pickup Date/Time: October 26 9am-1pm
Start Date/Time: 10/17/24 7:00 AM
End Date/Time: 10/24/24 8:12:30 PM
Opening Bid: $5.00
Bid History: 9
Current Bid: $26.00
Minimum Bid:
Highbidder: e15orei4
Auction has ended.


This auction lot features an outdoor enthusiast’s collection including a collapsible black wagon with sturdy wheels branded by Academy Sports + Outdoors, a metal sand rake, and a few accessories. The wagon is a convenient tool for a variety of uses such as gardening, toting supplies, or enjoying a day out. It has pockets on the sides for extra storage and appears to be in good condition. The metal sand rake with long handle is ideal for grooming sand, soil, or other fine materials in your yard or at the beach. The accessories include a green mesh bag possibly suited for holding gear or found items. This lot provides practical goods for those who enjoy outdoor activities or need a helping hand with their hauling needs. Please review the pictures for further details.

Garage will have items to purchase day of pickup. Please do not bid unless you or a representative can pickup for you.


13% buyers premium with card online

 10% with Cash at pickup

delivery is available for purchase from silver lining home services


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